Considering that business success is largely founded on the exchange and sharing of knowledge, and that knowledge is a renewable resource which increases when used, we consider the educational programmes in which we participate or organise independently to be our “knowledge market”.

In cooperation with renowned business education organisations (Educamix, Mirakul, Anglo Adria, Poslovni centar znanja) for economic institutions, as well as projects (HUP, CEPOR, Poslovni centar znanja), we provide seminars and give lectures mostly on the subject of operational and financial management.
Focusing on the concept of excellence, we independently organise specialised workshops and trainings with the aim to develop and perfect specific skills and know-how in strategic areas and levels: managing efficiency (operational excellence) and effectiveness (business excellence).
These are educational sessions of various forms (long-format lectures, one-day or two-day workshops, several-day modules encompassing a number of linked topics as a whole) adapted to target needs of individual students (open trainings) and organisations (in-house trainings).
When preparing and conducting the training, we take these key factors into account:
- insight into the specific interests of the students or clients
- workplaces, competencies and experience of the students
- information regarding the organisations from which the students are coming from, or regarding the organisations that have ordered in-house training
- creating appropriate educational concepts (time, contents, dynamics, techniques and tools, chosen case studies for exercise sessions, an adequate mix of theory and practice, working equipment…)
- applicability of the assimilated knowledge and skills, as well as the collected information in interaction with other participants of the training.
At the end of the training, for the purpose of testing the subject and encouraging the application of the skills and knowledge received, as with organisations, so with individual attendants, we remain in contact through notes, analytical reports, post-educational tasks, testing, surveys, work meetings, counselling or operational support during implementation, or other similar activities.
List of subjects that are organised as one-day or two-day workshops
- Measuring the level of organisational excellence and managing its development following the EFQM model
- Restructuring (operational, financial and strategic transformation)
- Creating winning strategies and business plans based on analyses of the environment and the organisation
- BSC, a tool for implementing strategies and plans, as well as for managing their efficient implementation
- Market analyses, market segmentation, managing the client portfolio and sales
- Managing financial risks with an emphasis on liquidity and recoverability of receivables
- Managing costs; making investment decisions, finance and effect planning
- Selection and modelling of effective salary and reward systems
Based on the collected market information, we have created 2 several-day educational modules where several themes are logically grouped together:
- Management in the modern economy, Blue Ocean leadership (specific knowledge and skills in the area of strategic management and development of excellence, with an emphasis on managing human potentials and analytics)
- Management accounting (specific knowledge and skills in the area of financial management, with an emphasis on economic analytics, managing financial risks and financial controlling)
The training will last for a total of 24 hours, scheduled as 6 afternoon trainings lasting 4 hours (17:00 to 21:00), for 2 consecutive weeks, organised as 3 weekly training sessions (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).
This is an intense, club-like training (meaning that the participants will be encouraged to develop a feeling of belonging to a club and a desire to get involved) which mostly consists of exercises and team projects on concrete case studies.
The participants will need to be focused and open, able to work in teams, communicate in all forms of dialogue, respect diversity and be assertive when expressing their thoughts and ideas.